solved secure

This commit is contained in:
Richard 2023-11-18 20:24:09 +01:00
parent ffedfe533d
commit 843b9f68c9
2 changed files with 135 additions and 9 deletions

View File

@ -6,9 +6,104 @@ import (
type Op struct {
op byte
arg byte
func parseSpec(c []byte) ([]Op, error) {
r := make([]Op, 0, 5)
i := 0
for i < len(c) {
last := i == len(c) - 1
opid := c[i]
arg := byte(0)
if opid == 0 { return r, nil}
if opid == 2 || opid == 4 {
if last { return r, fmt.Errorf("missing byte in cipherspec") }
i += 1
arg = c[i]
op := Op{opid, arg}
r = append(r, op)
i += 1
return r, nil
func crypt(c []Op, b byte, o int, enc bool) (byte, error) {
i := 0
for i < len(c) {
x := i
if ! enc {
x = len(c) - i -1
oper := c[x]
switch oper.op {
case 0: return b, nil
case 1:
b = bits.Reverse8(b)
case 2:
b = b ^ oper.arg
case 3:
b = b ^ byte(o)
case 4:
if enc {
b = b + oper.arg
} else {
b = b - oper.arg
case 5:
if enc {
b = b + byte(o)
} else {
b = b - byte(o)
return 0, fmt.Errorf("invalid cipherspec %d", oper.op)
i += 1
return b, nil
func readEncryptedLine(r *bufio.Reader, c []Op, offset int) (string, error) {
off := 0
buf := make([]byte, 0, 32)
for {
b, err := r.ReadByte()
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("read error")
b, err = crypt(c, b, off+offset, false)
if err != nil {
return "", err
if b == 10 { break }
buf = append(buf, b)
off += 1
return string(buf), nil
func cryptBytes(c []Op, dat []byte, offset int, encrypt bool) ([]byte, error) {
buf := make([]byte, 0, 32)
for off := range dat {
b, err := crypt(c, dat[off], off+offset, encrypt)
if err != nil {
return []byte(""), err
buf = append(buf, b)
return buf, nil
func largestOrder(msg string) string {
orders := strings.Split(msg, ",")
largest := 0
@ -37,11 +132,17 @@ func NewSecureServer(port uint16) *SecureServer {
type SecureSession struct{
con net.Conn
cipspec []Op
sent int
recv int
func NewSecureSession(con net.Conn) *SecureSession {
return &SecureSession{
make([]Op, 0),
@ -74,21 +175,42 @@ func (s *SecureServer) processClient(con net.Conn) {
func (s *SecureSession) setEncryption(r *bufio.Reader) error {
secdef, err := r.ReadBytes('\x00')
func (s *SecureSession) setCipher(r *bufio.Reader) error {
cipspecStr, err := r.ReadBytes('\x00')
if err != nil { return err }
fmt.Printf("secdef: %s\n", secdef)
fmt.Printf("cipspec: %x\n", cipspecStr)
cipspec, err := parseSpec(cipspecStr)
if err != nil { return err }
s.cipspec = cipspec
dummy := []byte("abcd")
result, err := cryptBytes(cipspec, dummy, 0, true)
if err != nil { return err }
if bytes.Equal(result, dummy) {
return fmt.Errorf("transparent cipspec")
decrypt, err := cryptBytes(cipspec, result, 0, false)
if err != nil { return err }
if ! bytes.Equal(dummy, decrypt) {
return fmt.Errorf("Sanity decrypt failed: %s", decrypt)
fmt.Println("Spec approved")
return nil
func (s *SecureSession) query(r *bufio.Reader) error {
msg, err := r.ReadString('\n')
fmt.Printf("Recv %d sent %d \n", s.recv, s.sent)
msg, err := readEncryptedLine(r, s.cipspec, s.recv)
s.recv += len(msg) + 1
if err != nil { return err }
msg = strings.TrimSpace(msg)
fmt.Printf("Q: %s", msg)
fmt.Printf("Q: %s\n", msg)
a := largestOrder(msg)
fmt.Printf("A: %s\n", a)
s.con.Write(append([]byte(a), []byte("\n")...))
resp := append([]byte(a), []byte("\n")...)
resp, err = cryptBytes(s.cipspec, resp, s.sent, true)
s.sent += len(resp)
if err != nil { return err }
return nil
@ -100,9 +222,10 @@ func (s *SecureSession) close() {
func (s *SecureSession) SecureReceiver() {
defer s.close()
r := bufio.NewReaderSize(s.con, 5000)
err := s.setEncryption(r)
err := s.setCipher(r)
for err == nil {
err = s.query(r)
fmt.Printf("%e\n", err)

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@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
import socket
from struct import pack, unpack
from time import time, sleep
from binascii import unhexlify
def sock():
addr = ("localhost", 13370)
@ -9,8 +10,10 @@ def sock():
return s
def test(s):
s.sendall(b"\x0010x snoeperfloep,123x sapperflap\n")
s.sendall(b"\x04\x01\x0010x snoeperfloep,123x sapperflap\x11")
def insane(s): s.sendall(unhexlify("03050105050500"))