from nullptr.models.marketplace import Marketplace from nullptr.models.jumpgate import Jumpgate from nullptr.models.system import System from nullptr.models.waypoint import Waypoint from dataclasses import dataclass from nullptr.util import pprint from copy import copy class AnalyzerException(Exception): pass def path_dist(m): t = 0 o = Point(0,0) for w in m: t +=w.distance(o) o = w return t @dataclass class Point: x: int y: int @dataclass class TradeOption: resource: str source: Waypoint dest: Waypoint buy: int margin: int dist: int score: float @dataclass class SearchNode: system: System parent: 'SearchNode' def __hash__(self): return hash(self.system.symbol) def path(self): result = [] n = self while n is not None: result.append(n.system) n = n.parent result.reverse() return result def __repr__(self): return self.system.symbol def find_markets(c, resource, sellbuy): for m in if 'sell' in sellbuy and resource in m.imports: yield ('sell', m) elif 'buy' in sellbuy and resource in m.exports: yield ('buy', m) elif 'exchange' in sellbuy and resource in yield ('exchange', m) def find_closest_markets(c, resource, sellbuy, location): if type(location) == str: location =, location) mkts = find_markets(resource, sellbuy) candidates = [] origin = location.system for typ, m in mkts: system = m.waypoint.system d = origin.distance(system) candidates.append((typ, m, d)) possibles = sorted(candidates, key=lambda m: m[2]) possibles = possibles[:10] results = [] for typ,m,d in possibles: system = m.waypoint.system p = find_jump_path(origin, system) if p is None: continue results.append((typ,m,d,len(p))) return results def solve_tsp(c, waypoints): wps = copy(waypoints) path = [] cur = Point(0,0) while len(wps) > 0: closest = wps[0] for w in wps: if w.distance(cur) < closest.distance(cur): closest = w cur = closest path.append(closest) wps.remove(closest) return path def get_jumpgate(c, system): gates =, Jumpgate) return next(gates, None) # dijkstra shmijkstra def find_nav_path(c, orig, to, ran): path = [] mkts = [m.waypoint for m in, Marketplace)] cur = orig if orig == to: return [] while cur != to: best = cur bestdist = cur.distance(to) if bestdist < ran: path.append(to) break for m in mkts: dist = m.distance(to) if dist < bestdist and cur.distance(m) < ran: best = m bestdist = dist if best == cur: raise AnalyzerException(f'no path to {to}') cur = best path.append(cur) return path def find_jump_path(c, orig, to, depth=100, seen=None): if depth < 1: return None if seen is None: seen = set() if type(orig) == System: orig = set([SearchNode(orig,None)]) result = [n for n in orig if n==to] if len(result) > 0: return result[0].path() dest = set() for o in orig: jg = get_jumpgate(o) if jg is None: continue for s in jg.connections: if s in seen: continue seen.add(s) dest.add(SearchNode(s, o)) if len(dest) == 0: return None return find_jump_path(dest, to, depth-1, seen) def prices(c, system): prices = {} for m in, Marketplace): for r, p in m.prices.items(): if not r in prices: prices[r] = [] prices[r].append({ 'wp': m.waypoint, 'buy':, 'sell': p.sell, 'volume': p.volume, 'category': m.rtype(r) }) return prices def find_trade(c, system): max_traders = 3 pcs= prices(c, system) occupied_routes = dict() for s in'Ship'): if s.mission != 'trade': continue k = (s.mission_state['site'], s.mission_state['dest']) if k in occupied_routes: occupied_routes[k] += 1 else: occupied_routes[k] = 1 best = None for resource, markets in pcs.items(): source = sorted(markets, key=lambda x: x['buy'])[0] dest = sorted(markets, key=lambda x: x['sell'])[-1] swp = source['wp'] dwp = dest['wp'] margin = dest['sell'] -source['buy'] k = (swp.symbol,dwp.symbol) if k in occupied_routes and occupied_routes[k] > max_traders: continue dist = swp.distance(dwp) dist = max(dist, 0.0001) score = margin / dist if margin < 2: continue o = TradeOption(resource, swp, dwp, source['buy'], margin, dist, score) if best is None or best.score < o.score: best = o return best def find_deal(c, smkt, dmkt): best_margin = 0 best_resource = None for r, sp in smkt.prices.items(): if not r in dmkt.prices: continue dp = dmkt.prices[r] margin = dp.sell - if margin > best_margin: best_margin = margin best_resource = r return best_resource def best_sell_market(c, system, r): best_price = 0 best_market = None for m in, Marketplace): if r not in m.prices: continue price = m.prices[r].sell if price > best_price: best_price = price best_market = m return best_market def find_gas(c, system): m = [w for w in, 'Waypoint') if w.type == 'GAS_GIANT'] if len(m)==0: raise AnalyzerException('no gas giant found') return m[0] def find_metal(c, system): m = [w for w in, Waypoint) if 'COMMON_METAL_DEPOSITS' in w.traits] if len(m) == 0: return None origin = Point(0,0) m = sorted(m, key=lambda w: w.distance(origin)) return m[0]